Monday, May 20, 2013

Smashwords — QUIET TITLE GUIDE TO STOP FORECLOSURE — A book by John Stuart

Smashwords — QUIET TITLE GUIDE TO STOP FORECLOSURE — A book by John Stuart: "The QUIET TITLE GUIDE is a compilation of discoveries, teachings, doctrines and methods from John Stuart. Mr. Stuart has been educating laymen and lawyers alike in the foreclosure fight for several years; and is responsible for several of the ‘theories’ being used by litigators and pro se’s against the ‘banksters’ and their corrupt and unethical attorneys.

'via Blog this'

This is one of the only things working in Arizona.  John's intro is correct and we have seen other's steal his theories for monetary gain. John also fights against groups that use scam methods that will land followers in jail. I only wish JOhn had known more about quiet title when we first were exploring that method of fighting our foreclosures. He has a unique way of putting things together and making things understandable.

If you are fighting to save your house you need this book.

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