Thursday, October 28, 2010

March on Senator's Office Sends the Message

Several people informed Senator McCain's office  of  the state of the homeowners union,  while others gave solutions, what needs to happen and predictions of future economics regarding housing.  After that homeowners one by one shared their stories of banks breaking into their homes, personal belongings stolen (not stored per state law), the response of judges during any hearings of forcible detainers or temporary restraining orders, the inability to fight the corruption in documentation and loan fraud,  and the personal tragedy of ending up evicted and losing jobs due to evictions.  Some shared how easy it is to steal a home with state approval with just a couple of pieces of paper.  

Beverly Hall,  the main speaker has been fighting for foreclosure rights for four years. She is a lawyer and previously has worked in the State Legislature.  Beverly  and others plan to visit McCain's office in Washington DC and arranged a meeting in advance. 

Channel 12 news interviewed Sheryl about the elderly assisted living home and how the foreclosure, the fight and the eventual eviction is going.  Will they be there when it happens? Who knows.  

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