Wednesday, January 5, 2011

White House Launches New Foreclosure Program To Help 'Underwater' Homeowners

Too little too late? DO NOT FALL for the modification scams..... you will lose any rights to sue over fraud in your home situation. Check with lawyer first. 10% off for those that have lost 50-70% value does not seem like a good deal to me..... walk aways have never looked so good!

White House Launches New Foreclosure Program To Help 'Underwater' Homeowners: "tarting Tuesday, the Federal Housing Administration will permit lenders to give these borrowers refinanced loans backed by the government. The lenders will be required to forgive at least 10 percent of the original mortgage amount. Investors who have control over the mortgages as part of their large portfolios will select which borrowers are invited to participate.

The plan was first announced in March. Its rollout represents the latest of numerous efforts by the administration to address the housing bust. So far, the government has only nibbled around the edges of the crisis, as its programs have run into numerous problems.

The lending industry was ill-prepared for a crush of distressed homeowners, the economy worsened and millions of homeowners had taken on so much debt that their financial woes have been nearly impossible to resolve.

Nearly half of the 1.3 million homeowners who have enrolled in the Obama administration's main mortgage-relief program – overseen by the Treasury Department – have already fallen out over the past year."

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