Saturday, October 9, 2010

Donald Trump President? New Hampshire 2012 Poll Reveals Candidacy

Okay, I know this is not foreclosure news but Trump is fascinating whether you love or hate him. I love the apprentice shows, for sure. Lets see Pres. Trum to Congress "You're Fired". LOL

as always click on title link to read FULL article. 

Donald Trump President? New Hampshire 2012 Poll Reveals Candidacy: "It all started when Time magazine published details of poll in New Hampshire, a key state in the primaries, where residents were asked about prospective Republican candidates to run against Barack Obama.

'The poll showed very strongly for Trump,' he said. 'So they wrote an article and then everyone went crazy.'

'A lot of people have been asking me to run. I mean, I've had a lot of success. I haven't made a decision but I hear it's a huge story in the United States right now,' Trump said in a statement. 'It's not something I long to do, but it's something that, if I had to, I would.'

Donald Trump has made no decision, but some experts believe he will become a strong Republican Tea Party candidate."

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