Sunday, October 17, 2010

MOZILA CEO of Countrywide: SEC settlement 67.5 million BAC pays

It sounds as if everyone will be getting money from the fraud industry, except homeowners. Homeowners in courts across America are sometimes winning and sometimes losing. But judges regularly give homeowners the shaft when it comes to the fraud that was perpetrated on them.  Everyone is winning.  Our state received settlement out of court and the state gets millions while my friends were evicted from home and have no recourse other than to fight without a lawyer, with few funds.   Meanwhile the  obvious fraud is  dealt with and settlments reached and in this case without any admission of wrongdoing.  Go America!

Here is article found on Bloomberg about the settlement  -  BAC will be paying the majority fines.  MOZILA will pay about 22 million personally.

VIDEO on Washington Post  

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