Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Japan nuclear crisis: Tokyo water 'unsafe for children' - Telegraph

Japan nuclear crisis: Tokyo water 'unsafe for children' - Telegraph: "Parents have been advised not to give children water from the city's taps after some samples contained more than double the legal limit of the hazardous substance.
The discovery increases fears of food and water safety nearly two weeks after the devastating earthquake and tsunami which killed thousands and damaged a nuclear plant in Fukushima, leading to a radiation leak.
Residents of cities in Japan's northeast earlier had already been advised not to drink tap water due to elevated levels of radioactive iodine, which can cause thyroid cancer. Until Wednesday, levels found in Tokyo tap water had been minute, according to officials."


Anonymous said...

Your readers might be interested in the pertinent question, their probably most pressing concern of how to treat their radioactively contaminated drinking water:
A Japanese translation seems underway, see comment by Takuya there.

Alrady said...

Dangers, Properties, possible Uses and Methods of Purification of radioactively contaminated (drinking) Water (e.g. in Japan) « CrisisMaven's Blog

Thank you CrisisMaven - I believe preparation is best... people should store up water for emergencies!

