Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fighter sentenced in Sacramento on rights violation, mortgage fraud - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Fighter sentenced in Sacramento on rights violation, mortgage fraud - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee:
"Two months after the jury verdict, Clawson pleaded guilty to the fraud charge, admitting that he purchased two properties in Chico in 2007 with loan applications containing false employment histories and inflated income.

He also falsely claimed he would occupy the second property as his primary residence.

In connection with that conviction, he was ordered to pay $92,804 in restitution to the lender.

'Prosecuting hate crimes and mortgage fraud are two priorities of this office,' said U.S. Attorney Benjamin Wagner.

'That we were able, in a single proceeding, to hold a defendant accountable for both types of offenses indicates that our focus on these crimes is yielding results.'"  Read full article by clicking on title link at top of post! 

NOTE: HE FALSELY CLAIMED HE WOULD LIVE IN PROPERTY...... how many times has that been done? I am glad justice is done... now if they would expend same energy to right the wrongful foreclosures and mortgage fraud done by banks... live woudl be peachy keen!

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